Quite a few sites have mysteriously disappeared in the past few weeks. Has the Web, having reached its outward boundaries, beginning to collapse inward? Without further ado, here are the latest sites to enter the "realm of the disappeared" where only the dead roam:
Absolute MoviesDescription (from Yahoo directory): "Includes movie news and reviews."
http://absolutemovies.com/Current URL occupant: CPC Advertising Squatter (caution: pop-up alert)
As a Man ThinkethDescription (from Yahoo directory): "Inspirational thoughts."
Current URL occupant: Generic ISP hosting page
http://www.books.neweb.net/Clean Pigeon SocietyDescription: (from Yahoo directory): "Founder, Byron Priebe, wants to marshall creative expression in order to arrive at an altered interpretation of the world."
http://www.cleanpigeonsociety.com/Current URL occupant: GoDaddy.com Parked Page
Didn't I Already Pay for This Movie? Description (from Yahoo directory): "Calling on all moviegoers to boycott the companies that advertise at the movies."
http://www.didntialreadypayforthismovie.com/Current URL occupant: Nothing
Evolution of the UniverseDescription (from Yahoo directory): "An axiomatic set for a mathematical model of the evolution in the universe."
http://www.dakhi.orgCurrent URL occupant: CPC Advertising Squatter
God DimensionDescription (from Yahoo directory): "Letter written by Ryan Roe to explain God, the mind, and the universe."
http://www.goddimension.comCurrent URL occupant: CPC Advertising Squatter
HumanPathDescription (from Yahoo directory): "Forum for remaining human in a world of machines."
URL: http://www.humanpath.com/
Current URL occupant: Server Not Found Page
Interface MonthlyDescription (from Yahoo directory): "Business technology magazine. Online subscription."
http://www.interfacemonthly.comCurrent URL occupant: "For Sale" notice
The Company ProjectDescription (from Yahoo directory): "A social and human project mandating that the human life is a unique and unrepeatable treasure and should belong to each one of us."
http://www.thecompanyproject.com/Current URL occupant: ISP login page
Vortex.netDescription (from Yahoo directory): "Source for news, information and analysis on the convergence of the Internet, telephone, and television networking industries, as well as the equipment and service industries."
http://www.vortex.net/Current URL occupant: redirect page which points to a "File Not Found" page
Labels: Abandoned Web Sites, the Dead Roam Here